Exercise Regularly

People who do regular work out usually do so because it gives them an tremendous feeling of well–being.

Healthy Eating is Essential

Healthy eating is all about eating smart and Nutritious. This helps you to maintain weight and also gives you energy that keeps you active for longer period of time.

Yoga For Health

Healthy eating is all about eating smart and Nutritious. This helps you to maintain weight and also gives you energy that keeps you active for longer period of time.

Eat A Rainbow

Though our diet shape our bodies and ourseleves. The process of eating healthy food never ends until we die. And the food choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.

Make A Rotune Of WorkOut

A regular routin of workout helps to control weight, helps to improve mood, boosts energy, promotes better sleep, boost bone health.

Friday, October 17, 2014

King Of Fruits- Mango Boost Your Health

Mango season is going to come! And it is a time where you will see this luscious-looking fruit on every corner of street. We all love mango but did you know the health benefits of this fruit for our health. Thus in this article we are going to discuss about the healthy fats of mango.

Mango should be eaten raw as well as ripe. It is a world famous food and named as King of fruits. In market mango are available in different varieties like Alphonso Mango, Kesar Mango, Totapuri Mango, Banganpalli, Dashehari, Langra, Neelum, Amrapalli, Raspuri, Badami, and Malgoba. The research says that now mangos are cultivated everywhere from California to Mexico and form Caribbean to Africa. 

Mango Cuisine
We mostly enjoy this fruit sliced. But if you search about mango cuisine, you will find that mango is widely used in cuisine. 

Following are some of the cuisine which are made with mango:
• Sour, unripe mangoes are mostly used in chutneys, athanu, pickles and side dishes. 
• You can also eat raw mango with salt, chili or soy sauce. 
• During summer many of us used to have aam (raw mango) panna. It is a best summer cooling drink. 
• Mango lassi is also a famous summer cooling drink in south Asia.
• In India Gujaratis (people of Gujarat) use mango to make chunda and moramba. Chunda is a mango recipe in which grated mango is used. 
• Mango juices, smoothies, ice cream, fruit bars, aguas frescas, pies and sweet chili sauce are also made. 

Following are some of the health benefits of mango. 

Keeps cancer at bay
Mango contains phenols and enzymes which have cancer-preventing properties. Beside this it also contains some soluble dietary fibre, which is beneficial for lowering the risk of cancer. This fruit is loaded with vitamin C which is protect us from free radical damage. 

Eye health
It is found that one cup of sliced mangoes provides 25% of vitamin A to our body thus it is beneficial for eyesight. It is also found that consumption of mangoes are beneficial for preventing night blindness as well as burning of eyes and many more eye related problems. 

Helps in digestion  
They also contain some digestive enzymes which help to break down the proteins and helps in digestion process. It is also beneficial in fight against the problem of acidity and poor digestion. The high fibre of mango also helps in preventing constipation.

Beneficial for skin
Mango is an effective fruit which helps in treating skin’s clogged pores. Thus the people who are suffering from acne because of clogged pores will be benefited from eating the fruit.  Eating mangos also improve texture and the complexion of the skin. 

Boosts sex drive 
It is a best source of vitamin E which helps to regulate sex hormones and boosts the sex drive. 

Beneficial for anaemia
Mangos are loaded with iron thus it is more beneficial for pregnant women and the person who are suffering form anaemia. Beside this vitamin C is found in mangoes which help to improve the absorption of iron and helps to get relief from stress .

 Weight gain
 Mango is also beneficial for those who want to gain weight as they are high in calories. The starch of raw mangos get converted into sugar when they get ripens.

Avoid Having Too much as too much is bad
We all know that every coin has two sides, so as mango.  Over consumption of this fruits can cause some health problem. Eating too much of mango generate lot of heat in your body which may lead to skin   break-outs.  This fruit is not good for people who are trying to lose weight. Therefore you must eat mangoes in moderate amount.

Read More On:


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Viagra Anti-Impotence Drug For Men

Viagra has shown to generate desired outcome in most men. It allows men to take pleasure of their sex life again by alleviating them from erectile dysfunction. Viagra is the one of the most popular and most sold anti-impotence drug and millions of men depend on it to get satisfactory erections. For years now, Viagra has been first option of men suffering from erectile dysfunction.

One must be aware of the fact that theta re certain risks involved in using Viagra. Therefore, before you start using Viagra, you should take your doctors’ advice to determine if it will be beneficial for you. Your doctor will just conduct a few standard tests to decide if the drug is safe for you. You may not be eligible to use Viagra if you have had troubles with health conditions like heart problems or even if you are taking certain types of medicines.

What exactly does Viagra do?
Viagra belongs to PDE5 group of medications that are used to treat erectile dysfunction by enabling erection on sexual stimulation. Viagra does this by enabling greater blood flow into the penis during the sexual arousal.

The dosage of Viagra depends on many things such as medical conditions, body weight, other medicines that the person is taking, etc. Stick to the dosage that your physician has recommended and don’t ever alter it without consulting him. The usual dose is 100mg but it can be decreased to 25mg or 50mg according to the health condition of the person and the severity of the condition. Viagra should be taken approximately an hour before the sexual activity. It is also recommended to avoid high-fat meals when under the influence of Viagra as it can reduce the effectiveness.

Who should not take Viagra?
Although Viagra is easy to use and safe drug, it is not suitable for people who are allergic to sildenafil and those who are taking medicines that contain nitrate. Taking Viagra with nitrate-containing medicines can cause a significant drop in the blood pressure level, causing dizziness, heart attack, fainting, or stroke.

You should Viagra if:
• You are taking medicines to treat high blood pressure.
• You have a history of heart diseases or stroke.
• You have kidney or liver problems.
• You are under the age of 18.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Top 7 Reasons Why You Feel Fatigued

Everyone experience fatigue at some point in life. Fatigue is a common symptom and interferes with our daily life. There are so many causes of fatigue that it has become difficult to pinpoint the exact cause. Apart from the aspects of our daily life, diseases, prescription medications, condition and physical and mental disorders can also cause symptoms of fatigue. General fatigue can be treated with home remedies, relaxation and rest, but if your symptoms do not get better within a week or so, it is best to consult a doctor and determine if there is an underlying reason that may be causing your fatigue. 
Here is a list of most common causes of fatigue and their remedies. 

Working for long hours does not give you enough time to rest and recover before you return to work again. Putting extra pressure physically, mentally and emotionally can lead to fatigue. People should find time for relaxation. This will help to reduce physical as well as mental stress. Maintain a work schedule that allows you significant amount of time to relax.

Lack of Sleep
Not being able to get regular and adequate sleep decreases ones energy and mental capacity. Sleep refuels the nervous, immune skeletal and muscular systems and relaxes your mind and body, enabling them to function fully at an optimal level.  Inadequate sleep causes an increased fatigue and drowsiness, and therefore you should get at least 8 hours of regular, consistent sleep each night so as to reduce fatigue.

Lack of Exercise
If you are inactive for long time, it makes the muscles to turn into fat and increases the risk of obesity. Longer periods of inactivity also slow down our metabolism. This makes you body burn fewer calories than it should, causing symptoms such as fatigue. Regular exercise maintains muscle strength, keeping your metabolism at higher rate and burning more calories. You should indulge in physical activates that raise your heart rate such as swimming, jogging, etc.

Poor Diet
Fast foods sure are delicious and easily available, but they are very bad for your health and don't provide your body with the adequate nutrients it needs to sustain its functions. Therefore, you should limit your intake of healthy fast foods. Eat a well-balanced diet that consists of carbohydrates, protein, fruits, vegetables and healthy fats. Absence of these key components will disrupt the functions of your body and fatigue can set in. You should also have a healthy breakfast every morning, since it jumpstarts your metabolism for the rest of your day and keeps your energy levels high.

Our body is made of 70% water, and we lose water each day through breathing, urination and sweat. This makes it necessary to replenish our body with plenty of water each day. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, therefore it is recommend to drink at least 8 glasses if water each day.

Stress and Depression 
There is no escape from stress. You can feel stressed because of work, school, family, money, etc. Excess stress depletes the body's energy and nutrient reserves and causes fatigue and other symptoms. Depression can cause fatigue, lack of appetite and headaches. Your aim should be to reduce stress : Follow these easy steps to reduce depression such as: medication, yoga, exercise, massages therapy, etc.

Cold and Flu
Cold and flu weaken your immunes system, leaving your body vulnerable to illness. Viruses, bacteria and infections drain valuable nutrients out of your body. Fatigue is one of the many symptoms of cold and flu. You should always guard yourself again cold and flu since there is no cure available for it. Wash your hands daily, to take all your vitamins on a daily basis, drink plenty of fluids and get sufficient rest to keep your immune system strong.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Grannies Home Remedies For Treating Upset Stomach

Many of us experience the problem of food poisoning during rainy days. Therefore it is very much essential for you to take care of your health during such season. Thus in this article we are going to discuss about some of the effective home remedy that helps to recover the upset tummy. 

The common symptoms of upset stomach are abdominal cramps, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness and dehydration, food poisoning and many more. And thus you should not ignore it as it can cause serious health problem.

 Following are some of the effective home remedies which help to treat food poisoning right from the grandma’s own medicine chest.
  • If you are suffering from bad stomach you must go for tea with elaichi.
  • One of the most well known and old diarrhoea treating remedy is pomegranate fruit
  • Brown sugar is best solution if you are suffering from food poisoning. Mostly the patient sufferings from bad stomach are given 4 teaspoons of brown sugar to renew his energy.
  • Aloe vera juice is a good solution for the treatment of upset stomach. Normally 60 grams of aloe vera juice are taken three times a day if you are suffering from upset stomach.
  • Curd is loaded with mircro-organisms which are beneficial for the stomach and also helps to combat with the effects of harmful bacteria which cause food poisoning.
  • Lime contains acidic properties which is good for treating food poisoning. You must have 3 to 4 glasses of lime juice over the course of the day. 
  • Mint or pudina is very helpful for treating food poisoning. Mint tea or paste of mint leaves are very mush effective in relieve stomach trouble. You can also add it in your curd. 
  • Ginger is one of the best home remedy which helps to solve all most all types of digestive problems.  You can also take a honey and ginger juice past as it helps to treat the inflammation and pain. 
  • Cumin or jeera seeds help to soothe the inflammation in your stomach and reduce the tenderness and aid healing. Crush a tablespoon of cumin seeds and add it to your clear soup it provides a great flavor to your clear soup and also helps in normalizing the stomach problems. 
  •  Basil is an excellent home remedy which helps to cure infections of both stomach and the throat issues. Add basil leaves juice in tablespoon of honey it provides a best result. 
  • We all aware about the health benefits bananas. It is a good source of potassium which helps in recovery and reduces the effects of food poisoning. Thus you must include it in your diet. 
  • Apples are very much effective in treating food poisoning problem, heartburn problem, and acid reflex. Apples contain enzymes which inhibit the growth of bacteria cause above problems. Therefore Eating Apply is beneficial For Health 
  • You Must Read About : Pink Lady Apples Are Nutritional For You
  • Water is an important element. It helps to keep you hydrated during the period of food poising, as during this you lose more water through diarrhea. Thus consumption of water helps to recover fast.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Effective Cures For ED Treatment In Young Men

Erectile dysfunction is a sexual disorder that is common in men over the age of 50. However, there are quite a few young men who suffer with this condition in their mid 20’s and 30’s. This is a serious issue and should be addressed properly if young men don’t want to ruin their sexual lives.

What is Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction is a condition wherein men are unable to achieve or maintain hard erections during the sexual activity. Do not confuse ED with premature ejaculation. In premature ejaculation, men are able to achieve an erection but ejaculate too early due to over stimulation of the penis. Men suffering from ED may not be able to get an erection at all.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction in Young Men
Excessive alcohol consumption is common among young men and it can lead to ED. Moderate alcohol consumption can result in temporary impotence, while drinking too much alcohol over a period of time can act as a sedative on the central nervous system and have a negative effect in sexual desire and libido. This affects brain’s ability to send signals to the heart, resulting in insufficient blood flow to the penis, which in turn makes it difficult to get an erection or hold it for long enough.

Smoking is other thing that is common among young men and can lead to ED. Smoking contains nicotine which can cause hardening of the arteries if it builds up. This in turn restricts the blood flow through the veins and thus prevents a man from achieving erection.

At young age, many men take supplements to build muscle mass or to gain weight. These supplements may produce results, but they also contain sodium and partially hydrogenated oils, which can lead to cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. These two conditions are the leading cause of erectile dysfunction.

Stress, depression, insomnia and performance anxiety are a few mental facts that cause ED. Performance anxiety affects the ability of man to get an erection. The more he worries about doing well in bed, the more likely he is to fail.

Cures For Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction can be cured in many ways. Oral medications such as Generic Viagra are most popular treatment of erectile dysfunction.  This is mainly because of their efficiency and tendency to show quick results.

You can also improve your condition by exercising daily and eating a diet rich in fruits and green vegetables. Omega-3 Fatty Acids present in salmon are also effective in treating ED because they help to control cholesterol build up.

To treat ED effectively, consult an expert and find the possible remedies.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Effective Remedies from Your Refrigerator

Every time we get panic and rush to chemist for first aid if sometime gets wrong. But when look in our home if there is something which is already in your home and it might be helps you to cure it. If you look there are various quick and ready-to-use remedies in your surroundings mostly in your fridge which will help you a lot.

Following are some of the best things which are always in your fridge and this will help you to treat various health issues. 

To relieve hangover
Honey is well known for keeping your blood sugar level at balance that will help you need after last night’s party.   You must take at least 2 to 4 teaspoonfuls of honey twenty minutes upon awaking depending on the cruelty of hangover. Once you have started feeling better, you can take four tsp with your first meal. The potassium in the honey work against the effect of the alcohol, beside this honey also contains fructose which is a type of sugar that helps your body metabolize alcohol more rapidly. 

To soothe mild burns and scalds
If you think that onions only have gastronomic value then you are certainly wrong about this edible bulb. It also assists to treat minor burns and scalds. In this case you must cut an onion in half and place it on the spot until the pain sink. Onion juice contains chemicals such as   sulphur and quercetin which are present in almost in every drug. 

To relieve headache and migraine
Everyone here experience occasional headaches. It is said that headaches often reflect the kind of lifestyle that we maintain like having too much stress and not enough rest. People also experience headaches because of weather changes. Thus in this case you must use cold to assist numb the pain.  You must hold a bag of frozen peas on the paining site for about 10 minutes wait for about twenty minutes and then repeat it. Frozen peas bag makes great changes and reusable ice pack and the cold compress a blood vessel which eases pain. 

 To reduce puffy eyes
Puffy eyes are result of staying awake till late night or drinking too little water or the natural ageing process. Our eyes become puffy when the fluid is trapped in the tissue under the eye.  Beside this it is normally found that for any skin swelling issue a cold compress is an ideal remedy. After preparing your morning or afternoon cup of tea, you can place the bag in the refrigerator until chilled. Squeeze out any excess fluid to make sure tea water doesn’t drip all your face while you are relaxing. You must place bag over puffy, swollen eyes for around 10 minutes.  Apart from removing puffiness, it also reduces the dark circles and makes you feel fresh. 

Treat a nosebleed 
Raw bacon can be used in order to help stop nose bleeds and this treatment commonly used   by doctors. The silver nitrate in the bacon helps the nasal hemorrhages. However a local ear, nose and throat doctor's office had never heard of this.

Treat a cold
Garlic helps to improve the immune system.  Eating a baked head of garlic is suggested to treat cold. So next time when you feel cold take garlic as it is a better option than pharmacy medications.

So try this healthy nutritional food for health

Friday, August 22, 2014

Hula Hoop an Enjoyable Exercise Routines

Hula hoop is one of the most common and best childhood activities, but now it is used as an interesting as well as beneficial exercising tool. Exercising with a hula ring is lot of fun, while simultaneously; it can help you reduce that additional fat off your whole body.

To accomplish that thin and ideal body, they say, requires a lot of effort. Yet, individuals grind at the gym running on treadmill machine, or applying themselves at Joggers Park. Not many enjoy these cardio workouts, but still force themselves to it, in order to stay healthy and balanced. On the other hand, a lot of individuals prevent workouts completely, because they don't appreciate doing it. Harmful, ain't it?

The Hula hoop ring is however, one entertaining way of exercising. At the same time, you can use the ring to work out not only your waistline, but your arms and legs as well. Therefore, the ring can serve as a complete workout.

 Hula hoop ring helps you to lose about 400 to 600 calories per an hour. Hula increases the pulse rate and boost energy, increasing blood flow in one's body. These workouts also improve your body sychronisation, strengthen chest muscles, and enhance flexibility of body. Before beginning the hula ring workout schedule, you need to understand that it is not exactly the same kind of hooping you used to do in your childhood. The exercising hoops, called weighted hula hoops, and they are heavier and slower to move around one’s body, and have a size of around 35-42 inches, providing a better workout. Bigger basketball are easier to move, whereas, the smaller ones are more challenging to use. 

Lets us see how hula hoop rings are beneficial for your body in order to reduce weight  

Arm Workout
You should stand keeping your feet together like in attention position. Keep the ring with your hands in front of your body. Start spinning the ring around one of your hands. Raise your arm above your head, maintaining the ring spinning around your hand and thumbs. Continue this for one minute. Then change hands and do it again.

Stand in tree pose on the floor. Then expand your hands towards the roof. Raise one leg up, in reverse. Keep the hoop with both your hands and the raised leg, above, in the air. Keep for about a moment, then change legs and do it again. This exercise is excellent for stretching. 

Waist Workout
For a waistline exercise, follow to the regular way of hooping. Place the ring on your waistline and keep the feet apart at a range more than your shoulder-width. Push the ring with your arms to start off. Then keep your arms away from your waistline for appropriate spinning. As the ring moves, keep shifting your waist part to part. Keep rotate the ring for about a minute, then relax for half hour and do it again.

If you love dance your way through exercises, dance with a ring. Play some good music and begin hooping. You can begin with overhead rotating, and then lower the ring from the hands to chest, waistline, hip, thighs, and ankles. Get the hoop off your body once it gets to your legs and do it again the dance workout starting with the expense rotate.

Hip Workout
Place the ring at the level of your waistline and stand with one foot ahead of the other. For a hip exercise, you have to move you’re forwards and backwards. Force the ring with your waistline and keep stone your waistline in a front and rear movement. Your feet can be a little bit reduced and curved. Proceed to rotate the ring for about a minute, then rest for Half hour and do it again. Changing of feet is not necessary. Any leg can be put ahead during the whole exercise.

 These hula hoop dancing exercise are simple to understand. Hence, compared with the other workout programs, you won't need to hire an instructor. Whether to lose weight or tone abdominals, these workouts are fun to do, and to add intensity to these workouts, you can use either a heavy calculated hula hoop ring or two hoops at a time.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Lovegra Uplifts Every Women’s Night Magnificent

The world is incredibly thorough about men affected by impotence. Their sexual dysfunction or male impotence gets consideration and also gets handled but that is not the same case with women. Most people are not even aware of the fact that women could be affected by impotence. Sometimes wedding problems or maybe stress becomes at fault of which reduces sex-related relationship.  

However, for females who do understand that their need to have sex has reduced, they can convert to lovegra. Lovegra is one of the newest medications that can help females definitely take part during coition. Lovegra is one of the medicines that comes under the top manufacturers Viagra and contains Sildenafil Citrate as an effective element. Women who are going through sex related issue not only cause a frustrated and unhappy life but also have misunderstandings with their partner as they do not have the ability to fulfill their partner.

Sexual issue occurs in females due to some of the serious health issues or even due to psychological pressure. The worst issue that takes females towards these problems is injuries, which bring in issue for females in the veins. This delivers in problems for the blood veins to flow inside the male sex-related body in the right manner rather many of the other body parts do not get enough amounts of blood veins to work in the best ways.

How does Lovegra doe it?
The chief component of Lovegra is sildenafil, a well known vasodilator that is known to increase the blood circulation vessels to the pelvic area. One of the reasons that makes women sexual dysfunction is dry skin in their reproductive organ. The lack of lubrication can create the process of sex hard, painful and boring for females. Lovegra ensures that the pelvic area gets a healthy supply of blood vessels so that its lubrication is complete.

Lovegra administration
Lovegra pill can be taken like any other tablet, along with a glass of water. The action of Lovegra pill shows its effect within 30 minutes of its intake. To make sure that the activity of Lovegra starts at the first, have the tablet after a mild food. A heavy diet can wait its activity as fat requires more time to get digest. The activity of Lovegra last for almost 4 to 6 hours. Due to this, the women can be aroused several number of times, within this time. The recommended amount of Lovegra pill is 100mg though it can be increased or reduced centered on doctors’ recommendations. You should take only one tablet within 24 hours as consumption of more than one pill can be dangerous for your health and it can cause several side effects too.   

Lovegra the women viagra knows definitely no restrictions and therefore this showers all women with lot of sensual benefits

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Essential Tips For Women To Improve Health Condition

In this article we have suggested some of the best effective tips that will help all womens to improved their health condition as we all know that in todays lifestyle we all prefer to unhealthy lifestyle which causes several health problems.

1. Copy your kitty Start exercising like stretching

2. Don’t skip breakfast

3.Maintain Your Body Hygiene

4. Avoid Stress Try Meditation

5. Get Mixed With Family 

6. Take your Medication on Time 

6. Take care of your Skin and Hair 

 So all these are some of the essential tips that women should follow for maintaining healthy life after the age of 50.

Monday, August 4, 2014

A Complete explanation About Erectile Dysfunction In Men

Erectile Dysfunction is also known as impotence which is a condition in which men is not able to attain erection during sexual stimulation. It is also said that inability to achieve erection one or two times is normal. It’s when the failing is chronic and repeated that it becomes a cause to be looked into.  It is also found that ED can be lifelong; therefore it is essential for men to cure it.

According to health expert there is an incidence of about 20% in young adults and 50% in people over the age of 60. Along with that it is also said that ED can be a physical as well as mental challenging condition for men Therefore the treatment of this condition is very much essential.

Following are some common causes of erectile dysfunction which can be treated.  
 Psychological Causes – 
It is found that psychological causes are one of the most common causes of Ed found in young healthy males. This is mostly linked with sexual anxiety, fear of failure, worried about sexual performance and decreased sense of excitement and pleasure, as well as previous negative experiences of sex.
Smoking is one of the major factors of erectile dysfunction in many young adults.

Organic or Medical causes – 
Conditions like diabetes and other endocrine disorders like hypothyroidism, hypogonadism, cardiovascular and marginal vascular disorders, drugs like anti-depressants medication, neurological disorder, local genital disorders, surgery and radiation therapy of the prostate, bladder, or rectum may damage the nerves and blood vessels which can contribute to erection problem.

 Kidney failure can also be one of the causes.
Treatment of ED
It is said that treatment of ED depends on the causes and the health of patient. 

It is said that self help exercise like sensate, focus techniques and other relaxation exercise if performed with partner then it will be very helpful. 

Cutting down on alcohol and smoking as both of them are also responsible for erectile dysfunction, Along with that increase aerobic exercise you will experience a good results.  

Medication like generic viagra is most commonly used to treat Ed. This pill should be taken only under the medical guidance, as overdose of generic viagra can cause serious side effects. 

 In some cases vacuum device, surgical implantation of a semi rigid or inflatable penile prosthesis is also used. 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Daily Fashion Accessories That Can Damage Your Health

Who does not want to look stylish, but style at the price of one's health is not appropriate. There are a few factors that you use in your lifestyle which you think are secure, but are not. But in this article we are going to discuss about this. Lets us check.  

Being stylish and dressed in the 'in' thing in this fashion-conscious world has almost become a necessity. But do you know, some styles may be dangerous for your whole body. Stylish outfits and accessories might create you look wiser, trendier, and can even cause you to feel better, but some of these can be harmful, cause pain, and can even seriously affect certain parts of your whole body. Let us find out some of these style items which are used every day, but are very dangerous for one's whole body.

Skinny jeans
Skinny jeans have become popular style, and every lady wants to put on one to look peppy. But physicians suggest against dressed in these trousers, as they can cause sensors pressure. The horizontal femoral cutaneous sensors which operates down the upper leg, and helps physical emotions like touch and discomfort, is compacted due to skinny denims, and causes discomfort and numb feeling.

Though regarded expert, ties can actually increase the chance of developing glaucoma which is one of the most typical eye illness on the globe, and may even cause loss of sight if neglected.

Knee-High Boots
Knee-high boots harm the feet in the similar way as high-heels or stilettos. The rest of the boot which extends to the knees or above the knee may cause nerve damage. The tight, non-stretchable material of the boots harms the nerves of the legs, causing a tingling and burning sensation; and it may also affect the process of blood circulation.

Dark Sunglasses
No question sunglasses protect your sight from dangerous radiation of the sun, but the extremely dark shades gap of any UV protection, are actually dangerous for the sight. Dark shades dilate the pupils, and if they are not UV secured, the UV radiation straight get into the sight, and may cause serious harm. So, if your sunglasses are dark, make sure they are UV secured.

Metal Jewelry
The substance in the jewellery may cause serious sensitivity in many individuals. Dime is regarded to be a significant root cause behind skin responses. So, individuals delicate to particular steel should take additional care while buying one.
Contact Lenses
Non-prescribed contacts which people use just to look awesome can harm your sight. Consult about the contact lens content and its protection before purchasing a pair.

Tight Headgear or Headbands
Tight headgear may pack your head which may cause to headache. Taking hair back in a tight headband may cause strain on the head, which may cause to pain and locks damage.

A tattoo is a permanent mark or design made on your skin typically, the tattooist uses a hand-held device that acts much like a device, with one or more small needles striking the epidermis repeatedly. With every pierce, the small needles place tiny ink drops. The process — which is done without anaesthetics — causes a bit of blood loss and minor to potentially significant pain.  Know the risks: Allergies, Skin infections, Blood borne disease, Tattoo Scarring, magnetic resonance picture problems, and over growing of scars.  

Monday, July 21, 2014

Indian Superstitions Related to Healthy Food

Reality or stories, or an old grandma’s story, these food superstitions have been around for a while, and variety from medical possibilities to the absolutely outrageous, here are some that you may or may not have often observed off.

To have a balanced year, Kannadigas mostly consume jaggery and neem during Ugadi which is a festival.

Lime and chilli:
Almost every Indian hangs a string of Lime and Chilli in the door of homes, shop or on vehicle as they believe that this will help them to avoid evil eye which is normally termed as “Buri Nazar”.   Beside this they also avoid stepping on them if they have been strewn on the road.

Tamarind tree:
Normally it is said that tamarind tree is said to be evil spirits resident, hence it is best to avoid sleeping under them during night.

Curd is a good luck charm. Therefore it is seen that curd is given before to a person who is going for exam or on a journey.

If one suddenly drops or leaks grain on a floor, it should never be taken away; instead, the grain should be properly pulled up by hand. Sweeping the dropped grain is considered as an insult of the Gods.

For Luck and auspicious in new house milk is placed on the stove till it boils over which is a wasting of milk.
Salt:  It is said that it is very unluckily if you give salt in another person’s hand. Normally it is believed that your relation become sour with that person.

Gold Dust: Feeding gold dust to a baby is considered as a sign of good luck.

In Kerala people flick a bit of alcohol to the God before they take their first sip as it is believed as auspicious.

Fish & Curd: 
Some people believe that the combination of fish and curd should never be taken as this may cause you a bad stomach ache.

It is also believed that giving sugar to someone after the sunset can make your suffer form financial problems.
Papaya or Pineapple:
This is for women who are pregnant, they are avoided to eat papaya or pineapple as it is considered as inauspicious and this can lead to abortion or miscarriage

Thursday, July 10, 2014

What Makes Abdomen Pain

A pain in the body includes various reasons; same way the cramp in the stomach holds disorder of various organs connected, to the abdomen. A pain may be chronic or severe; a chronic pain accompanied by a normal condition and a severe pain indicates certain existence of diseases. Well, a cramp (pain) is a natural response towards any parts, of the affected body. The situation may comprise certain harmful or possible condition. One may face pain in the arms, legs, back, and many other places. Amongst all, an abdomen pain found quite common. Organs like kidney, spleen, intestine, appendix, gallbladder, liver and pancreas are the adjacent organs, of the tummy. Any damages to these organs may lead to stomach cramp. Certain infections or diseases, which affect the stomach found leading reasons, for abdomen pain. A pain occurs due to gastric problem is normal, but its persistent pain may indicate a gastric ulcer issue. Most of the time an empty stomach causes stomachache; it's a normal pain, which gets disappears after consuming food. Well, the persistent pain needs a medication process; since, its ignorance may lead to severe ailments. An intestinal disorders include swelling, infections, abnormal growth of tissues, etc. these problems often lead to acute or chronic stomachache. Certain formation of infection in the gullet disturbs the digestive tract and results belly pain; this further leads to constipation and diarrhea problem. Moreover, a woman faces normal lower belly pain due to menstrual cycle, sometimes this pain persists and last for 4-5 days; in certain situation, one needs to go under checkup and medication process. Mostly, the belly pain causes due to menstrual cycle faces by a weak and unhealthy immune holder. A pain during pregnancy may be one of the reasons for stomach ache, but it persistent cramp may give some severe indication. A woman, who faces pain in the abdomen during pregnancy stage, must consult the doctor immediately.

A common factor, which causes the normal abdomen pain are:
• Vomiting: - one can get stomach ache during vomiting, but the pain doesn't last for a longer period. The pressure which the stomach gets while vomiting leads to stomach ache. 

• Gastric: - suffering from gastric problem is another common reason, to cause belly pain. The pain may be in the normal or chronic form. 

• Constipation: - constipation stood one of the factors behind, abdomen pain. An insufficiency of water in the body leads, to constipation problem. 

• Diarrhea: - it's nothing, but a loose motion; commonly causes due to improper and unhealthy intake of foodstuff. Sometimes, a hard and excessive medication stood a reason behind stomach ache. An abdomen cramp due to diarrhea is obvious.

• Stomach infections: - this gets occurred due to germs or viruses', which gets entered in the tummy.

• Irritated Bowel: - eating various spicy or oily stuffs leads to irritated bowel, which results lose tar and abdomen pain.

• Others: - sometimes certain stress and depression becomes the reasons behind belly pain.

A factor which leads to severe abdomen pain are:
• Appendix: - a swelling of the appendix due to injury or certain severe infection leads to appendix problem. Appendix comprises with severe, instant and unbearable abdominal pain.

• Kidney disorders: - kidney stone is one of the factors, which leads to kidney disorder. Men are at more risk of kidney stone formation. This problem may lead to a rare, but instant and severe stomach pain. A lack of water intake stood the main reason behind kidney stone formation. 

• Stomach ulcer: - an excessive intake of spicy foods or excessive acid formation, in the stomach leads to stomach ulcer problem. Stomach ulcer is a severe disease, if ignored may lead to holes in the intestine and could cause intestine damages. This is the main reasons, to cause persistent abdomen pain. 

• Gastric ulcer: - a sore formation in the tummy edges lead to gastric ulcer; this gradually brings stomach ache in instant and severe form. 

• Injury: - certain stomach injury leads to tummy pain; well, treatments of certain injury is mandatory; since, it may lead to cancer formation, if ignored. 

• Stomach cancer: - this is an another severe and life taking disorders, which occurs due to injury, abnormal tissue growth, infections, etc. This brings instant with persistent and acute abdomen pain. 

• Liver difficulty: - damages or injuries to the liver may bring abdomen pain. The pain may be instant and severe. The Liver is the organ, which is adjacent to the stomach; it holds most of the significant work, of the body. 

• Miscarriages: - a loss of a baby due to certain reason called miscarriages. A woman passed through this situation gets acute abdomen ache. Well, the pain gets cured gradually after some days. 

• Disorder of gallbladder: - it is another organ located near the region of the tummy and any damages to this organ affects the abdomen badly; it may bring severe abdomen pain. 

• Spleen related issue: - certain disorder to the spleen may bring belly pain. It is another contiguous organ, of the stomach. 

• Food poisons: - it causes due to unhealthy, spoiled or harmful foods intake. Food poison is one of the key factors, to cause severe abdomen ache. People, suffering from a certain disorder faces unbearable stomach ache. One needs to go under immediate medication treatments; since, it may lead to death. 

• Tumor occurrence: - a formation of stomach tumor stood a main reason behind stomach ache. People, suffering from stomach cancer are more likely, to face constant abdomen pain. One should go under treatment process; since, it is found fatal, for the life.

As we understood that abdomen pain can be normal or severe, but precautions would be better to get rid of certain disorders. Moreover, if in case you get chronic abdomen pain, then you must consult the doctor, to know the actuality. Most of the people tend to bear the pain and ignore to go for the treatments; this habit may turn the pain into severe difficulties. Beside this a healthy eating will help you avoid health problems

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Sensible Men Order Generic Viagra Online

Generic viagra is from one of the most unforgettable innovation of the ’90’s. Since then, it has become the most appreciated and recommended medication for men to cure the problem of male impotence.  This medication has made a record in treating the problem of male impotence. The reputation of the medication has exceeded that of many other drugs and currently attracts a lot of evaluation with the labeled drug. The pill of Generic viagra is fully capable to treat the problem of male impotence and it has proven to be a high quality medication in each and every possible way. 

Where do men buy Generic Viagra? 

The medication generic viagra can be easily brought through Online Pharmacies, as it is a best place to order generic medication at reasonable price. It is observed that men all over the world buy generic viagra pill as it is a result oriented medication which helps to cure the problem of impotence in very short period of time.  Another reason which makes this medication popular is that when this medication is ordered online, they ship that product at your door step at any location. Thus men can easily order generic viagra online with easy reach of internet through mobile phones, tabs and laptops.

 Generic Viagra contains sildenafil citrate which is a vasodilator active element that helps to improve the blood flow into the pelvic region which results to strong erection during sexual stimulation.  Thus Generic Viagra is a best solution to fight against erectile dysfunction. This medication shows the result within 30 minutes after its intake and helps to get more powerful erection immediately. 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

List of Healthy Superfoods for Teens

Teenagers need to have diet plan that is high in vegetables and fruit, and rich in nutrients like calcium and iron. Teenagers can do a lot to improve their diet plan, eat healthier meals and snacks, and maintain a proper and balanced weight. Good nourishment is essential for everyone, but it’s especially essential for increasing youngsters. Unfortunately, many Australian youngsters have an unbalanced diet.
All most every teenagers eat junk food that which are not beneficial for health because it contains following things:
  • higher in fat, particularly saturated fat
  • higher in salt
  • higher in sugar
  • lower in fibre
  • lower in nutrients, such as calcium and iron
  • served in larger portions, which means more kilojoules

Following are some of the superlist that are beneficial for teens and they must take it in regular diet:
1. Avocado

2. Tomatoes

2. Carrots 

3. Broccoli

4. Cauliflower

5. Celery

6. Milk

7. Cashews

8. Yogurt

9.  Walnuts

10. Apple

11. Pomegranate

12. Peanut Butter

13. Salmon

14. Spinach

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Why Folic Acid Is More Essential for Women health

What is folic acid?
Folic (FOH-lik) acid is a B vitamin and it is essential for making healthy new tissues. "Folic acid" and "folate" is one and same thing. Folic acid is a manmade way of vitamin b or you can say that folate. Folate is also found in some natural meals. Many female do not get proper amount of  folic acid, which they can take   through food.

Who needs folic acid?
Everyone needs folic acid, but it is more essential for women health when she is pregnant. The expert says that woman must take sufficient amount of folic acid in her body before and during pregnancy, in order to avoid significant birth defects, including:

Spina bifida (SPEYE-nuh BIF-ih-duh), is a  congenital disorder, which happens because of incomplete closing of  backbone in unborn baby. Consequently, the nerves that regulate leg movements and other features do not works properly. It is also found that kids with spina bifida have lifelong disabilities which  may also need many surgeries.

Anencephaly (an-en-SEF-uh-lee), is a cephalic disorder, in which large portion of brain does not create. Babies born  with this issue die before or soon after birth.

The research also  found that folic acid might also help to avoid other kinds of birth defects.
Folic acidity also allows keep your blood healthier. Not getting enough amount of folic acid can result to  anemia. 

Experts says that folic acid may also play an important role in:
  • Heart health
  • Preventing cell changes that may lead to cancer
  • More research is needed to know this for certain.

How much folic acid do women need?
Females who is  pregnant need to take about 400 to 800 mcg or micrograms of folic acid every day, even if they are not preparing to get pregnant.  That manner, if they do become pregnant, their children are less likely to have birth defects problems. You must discuss this with your physician; about how much  folic acid you need if you are expecting or planning:
If you are expecting or are planning to become pregnant then you must need around 400 to 800 mcg of folic acid in the very early stages of pregnancy often before they know that they are pregnant. A pregnant woman should keep consuming folic acid intake throughout pregnancy. You should  keep talk about the  folic acid dose needs with their physicians. Some doctors recommend prenatal vitamins that consist of higher amounts of vitamin b, folic acid.  

If you are Breastfeeding then you need 500 mcg. Some physicians recommend that Breastfeeding females keep having their prenatal vitamins to be sure they are getting a lot of vitamin b or folic acid while they are breastfeeding and should they become expecting again.  

If you already  had a baby suffering with birth defect of the brain or spine and want to get pregnant again, then in such case you must talk with physician, he will provide you good dose of 4,000 mcg of  folic acid which is 10 times the normal amount and this will be beneficial for you, as high amount of folic acid, will lower the risk of having another child with these birth defects.

If anyone of your family is with spina bifida. Your physician may provide you with a prescription for 4,000 mcg vitamin b folic acidity.

It is found that in some cases people also need more amount of folic acid thus you must talk to your doctor about how much folic acid you must need:
  • Are taking medicines that treat Epilepsy and Type 2 diabetes.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, psoriasis, asthma, and inflammatory bowel disease
  • Kidney disease and are on dialysis.
  • Liver disease.
  • Sickle cell disease.
  • Celiac disease.
  • Alcoholic drink consumption.

What foods contain folic acid?
There are various foods which contain lots of folic acid: leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, beans (legumes), and whole grains.

  • Breakfast cereals  
  • Breads
  • Flours
  • Pastas
  • Cornmeal
  • White rice
  • Peas
  • Potatoes
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Yeast extract
  • Orange juice
  • Bananas
  • Peanuts
  • Granary 
  • Whole meal bread.

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